Well, the Savannah's face is starting to look like her, maybe not perfect, but it's getting there! I had the underpainting in brown and white, and now I'm putting the color in. I guess i see in color so much better that it's easier now. But I like the way a painting looks when it started with monochromatic. Here's the rest of the painting, still monochromatic, still a little awkward, the couch is too big and the shoulder is at an uncomfortable looking angle, but all can be fixed. The couch will be a luxurious looking dark burgundy velvet. I think I will put some kind of subtle 1920's style wallpaper on the background, something that looks like it has textured images rather than colored images, I think. Her hair will also be a bit more strawberry than blond, which is a challenge because the girl used to have light red hair, but it's almost black now! I have to refer to wedding photos.
It's like an old fashioned version of photoshopping.... cut and paste and rearrange. The couch isn't something that either of us were ever near, and the dog was not allowed near the expensive velvet dress, so it's all assembled from different images.
Well, hopefully after this I can get some actual paid commissions... well, to be fair, I think a website is quite a lovely payment. Actually I got quite a deal. I think I came out ahead!
I'm really excited about where this is going!
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