Monday, January 31, 2011

Coming Back Around

It's been awhile since I've posted a blog. Mostly because this blog has been about my painting, and, well, I haven't been painting. At all. Actually I feel quite guilty because the last thing I posted about really needed to be finished a long time ago. I got so caught up in the other things I was doing that the painting didn't get finished. It has been the longest painting block I have ever experienced and I think I need to end it. But not tonight because I'm not in my apartment where my painting stuff is. That's the problem with being halfway moved, I live in 2 different places and nothing gets done. That will change in a couple months.

What I have been doing is working on a business selling my soft sculpture, and I guess that took over. So what I would like to do is start adding that subject to this blog. After all, it is all my work, and this is my blog, and I don't see the point in having several blogs for one person. I want to streamline it, make it all one thing. I have only one life after all, I am one person with many talents, and I figure I don't need to confuse everyone by keeping it all separate. So what you will find here from now on will relate to all my creative endeavors. If you want to see things that are specific to my Etsy business, you can follow my Facebook page for Feral Children

So from now on all my artistic and professional blogs will go here, whether it's a series of drawings or discussion of new fabric for a bunny. I know some marketing experts might feel that I am dispersing my audience too much, but this blog is about me and the things I do, personally, so it is all held together by that common element. I am not a product or a company, and I think people are burnt out by faceless products and companies and their slick advertising and impersonal schemes. I'm an artist, not a corporation. Though I might have a corporation in the next couple years, I'm not the corporation.

It's been a long winter and there have been a lot of changes internally and externally. I am moving in with Marcus in his lovely house, I am slowly building a business, and I'm changing into the person I want to be and the life I want to live one tiny step at a time.

Right now I have some valentine bunnies to sew, a story to write, a painting to finish, and some cookies to make. If I spend too much time staring at the screen they won't get done! Peace.

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