Thursday, January 28, 2010

Savannah's Portrait

Finally worked in the studio today. I had forgotten that when I do a portrait, even if I have a photograph and use a projector, I still need to draw the face with pencil on paper. I won't yet show a photo of the painting itself, as I don't want to create a bias for the viewer, as I am still working on likeness, but I think I did a pretty good job with the pencil sketch of Savannah's face. I transferred the drawing on to the painting by putting a layer of oil pastel on the back of a copy of the drawing and drawing over it on top of the painting. Well, here it is. I am really glad I have a scanner and a printer, it makes these things so much easier. She looks a bit like the Mona Lisa, smile and everything. Wonder if I could get her to pose for me again and do a Mona Lisa update.